2V Series

Customizable High Pressure Gas Compressor

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2V Series

RIX Industries’ 2V series compressors are designed for continuous 24/7 operation in the most demanding industrial, medical and energy applications. These compressors are engineered for safe, reliable delivery of high pressure oxygen as well as other clean, dry gases up to 2500 psig (172 barg), or optionally up to 3000 psig (207 barg). The 2V is the industry’s preferred choice for industrial and medical high pressure cylinder filling applications and can fill up to sixty 240 cu. ft. 2500 psi cylinders in a 24 hour period. 

 The 2V series uses three oil-free, single-acting cylinders on a “V” type crosshead designed crankcase. Heat exchangers, crankcases, and compression cylinders are air cooled for ease of service and installation. The crankcase is splash lubricated for durability and requires only standard automotive engine oil. A free-floating third stage piston design allows for easy removal and replacement of both piston and ring without removal of cylinder or piston rod.

Technical Specifications

Gas Type: Oxygen, Clean Dry Inert Gases
Max Pressure: 2,500 PSIG
Max Flow Rate: 10 SCFM
Cooling: Air
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