Seller shall include a Certificate of Conformance (C of C) with each shipment for Goods identifiedon shipping document. If Seller is not manufacturer (or service provider), a manufacturer’s (orservice provider’s) C of C shall also be included in addition to the Seller’s C of C.The following shall be included on Seller’s and/or Manufacturer's C of C and/or shipping documentwith each shipment:• Seller’s name and address and reference to Buyer’s contract number and line item number.(Seller’s C of C)• Manufacturer’s (or service provider’s) name and address. (Manufacturer’s (or serviceprovider’s) C of C)• A statement attesting that Goods provided under this contract conform to all contractrequirements.• Part number and dash number (as specified by Purchase Contract (PC)) for each item• Revision level / version (as specified by PC) to which the Goods were manufactured (orserviced)• Traceability information, if required, representative of each item - to include the lot trace(e.g., date, batch, heat) or the individual item trace (e.g., serial number)• When multiple item manufacturers (or service providers) and/or multiple lots are included inone shipment, Seller shall separate and identify respective manufacturer’s (or serviceprovider’s) lots, and indicate each lot quantity• If goods are Buyer furnished, so indicate on C of C by part number and quantity• Additional documentation requirements defined by the item specification as applicable