"Change from Revision C002 – Change to distribution requirement.The relief valve setting certificate shall document relief valve set values specified withinthis purchase order. The vendor may elect to supply his own test record but it shallinclude the following data as a minimum:1. Vendor name2. Purchase order number and item3. Newport News Part Number4. Applicable specification and revision5. Specified set value(s)6. Set value tolerance7. Actual set value8. Other allowable values(e.g. seat leakage, reseat pressure)9. Unique identification number of valve or component (serial no.)10. Inspector (print)11. Inspector signature/stamp12. Date of test13. Test media (air, water, steam)14. Test facility and location (if not the same as valve manufacturer)15. Rated capacity (at accumulation pressure)16. Accumulation (at rated capacity)17. Blow down (If adjustable, list adjustable blow down range as well as actual blowdown setting18. Installation limitations of valve (maximum permissible inlet pressure loss andmaximum permissible backpressure for which valve is designed)[Text deleted]The requirements specified in this coded note apply to all suppliers, including thosewho are approved to ship material under our 'Supplier Delegated Inspection' program.Submit Relief Valve Setting Certification as follows:1. Email a copy to:; and2. Provide one copy of the certification with your shipment."