Flow Downs

RIX Industries Flow Downs

Prime Coded Note:







This revision history is provided for convenience and does not alleviate the supplier’s responsibility with understanding and complying with the full coded note. Changes from Revision C001 – Update information to coincide with deletion of Appendix R. Bolded font indicates changed/added content. [Text deleted] inserted in the document indicates the removal of content.Provisioning Technical Documentation (PTD), [Text deleted] if required, will be prepared by the shipyard. Onboard Repair Parts (OBRP), special tools and test equipment, if required, will be determined by the Navy's approval action of PTD prepared by the shipyard. By acceptance of this order the vendor agrees to the following: 1. Provide technical assistance in identifying OBRP, special tools and test equipment required to maintain, repair or overhaul Equipment / Components (E/CS) specified in this order.2. [Text deleted]When requested by NNS, provide additional technical data and information such that NNS can develop provisioning parts lists. [Text deleted] The additional technical data and information requested may consist of, but is not limited to, one or more of the following data elements:a. Price b. [Text deleted] c. Production Lead Time d. Shelf Life e. Special Material Content f. Turn-around Time g. Maximum Allowable Operating Time h. Maintenance i. [Text deleted] j. Length k. Width l. Height m. Weight3. Accept a later modification to this order or a separate order from this company or the government for OBRP, special tools, or test equipment the government may require to maintain, repair, or overhaul E/CS specified in this order.The vendor agrees to the above provided that the request for assistance, additional technical data and information, or an order for OBRP, special tools or test equipment is received by the vendor within 180 days after the final acceptance by the Navy of the vessel.[Text deleted]
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