Have you heard?
According to a study by
Grand View Research, Inc., the global air compressor market size is projected to reach $37.18 billion by 2022, a staggering 24% growth since 2010. Believed by many, one key contributor to these statistics is the increased popularity of centrifugal air compressors designed for jet planes. Another component includes the rise of environmentally friendly compressor technology including oil-free or oil-less lubrication processes. These oil-free standards remain at the forefront of compressor innovation as the search for environmentally friendly ways of creating, storing, and using renewable, clean energy gains momentum across all industries.
What do the numbers project?*
The oil-free segment accounted for over 30% of the overall industry in 2014. Projecting similar exponential growth, globally that trend will look something like this:
By 2020, the United States is expected to overcome China as the lead revenue generator of the compressor industry:
How does RIX Industries play a role as a key contributor to this upward trend?
Since 1878, RIX Industries has been a trusted, American-made supplier of industrial air compressors specializing in custom, high pressure oil-free technology, as well as on-site oxygen and nitrogen generation systems. A leader of the compressor industry, our stewardship of “green” technology ensures that military, government, industrial, and commercial customers alike will also step forward on environmental responsibilities as well.
Environmentally friendly applications of our products include, but are not limited to, the formulating of renewable fuels as well as dehydrogenation of spent motor oil. RIX compressors also aid in the refueling of fuel cell motor vehicles. Along with working with industrial gas companies, refineries and chemical plants, offshore oil platforms, commercial diving, OEM’s, SCUBA tank filling, and Government Agencies, RIX compressors assist a wide range of VSA applications at steel mills, paper plants, and water treatment plans.
Known for engineered innovation, RIX compressors and generators provide solutions to top impacting factors in the industry by offering portable and stationary compressor solutions that support a wide array of gas types from oxygen and hydrogen to natural gas and breathing air. RIX also makes customized compressors to support a large range of maximum discharge pressures and flow ranges. Learn more about RIX Industries and the full product line by
visiting our website.
You may also access the full research report by
Grand View Research, Inc. with a comprehensive breakdown of compressor technology by product, technology, lubrication method, application, and region at:
Grand View Research, Inc.. Find the full press release, charts, and more information regarding this projected surge in the compressor industry on PR Newswire by clicking here.
*Image and Data Sources:
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