Environmental mandates are driving global commitments for greater sustainability and less pollution – bringing big change to the shipping industry. But understanding which fuel choices deliver clean, green propulsion is just one piece of the puzzle. So many other factors must be considered. From ship architecture, engineering, and design to ship operations and longevity. Even support facilities in ports and inland waterways play a role. Yet one substance holds the key to getting us out of our reliance on diesel fuel…hydrogen. Not necessarily hydrogen as we’ve come to know it, with its unique challenges for storage, transportation, and safety protocols, but hydrogen that is generated onboard via methanol-to-hydrogen reforming. This innovative process brings a clean and commercially viable source of propulsion and operating energy, while eliminating its fundamental challenges.
With 40 percent reduction in carbon emissions required by 2030, there is little time to waste. In fact, it’s time to eliminate the operational challenges associated with onboard storage and management of hydrogen. But how? Where to begin? In our article in the latest issue of Sea Technology, RIX expert Bryan Reid provides the answers and offers clear guidance on how to get hydrogen onboard without bringing hydrogen onboard to meet mandates in this decade.
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