If you are anything like me, you probably think your boss asking you to research company website alternatives is like being asked to dig your own grave. Don’t be intimidated. I’ve been there and I’ve done it. Yes, I even made it out alive and with a lot of cool company-wide recognition. Updating a website isn’t as hard as you think. If you do the research and put in the time, you will end up looking like the company hero. Who doesn’t want that?
I spent months vetting different companies fit for the job of creating our company website, and you should too. From freelance vendors to full-blown marketing firms, there are a ton of creatives itching at the opportunity to build their portfolios. So start local and start small with your search. You may be surprised by the talent that works within your community, and often times, it’s not the most expensive or biggest company that can offer visionary results. Also think about your company’s goals. Why are you updating your web presence? Is your website completely outdated or is it time for a simple refresh? Devote time to creating lists of wants, needs, expectations, and desired results of the new website. Finally, be up front (and realistic) with any developer candidates about your budget. Money talks. Don’t let that be the last topic to address
Plan for the future. Let’s face it. The future of the interwebs is not scanning QR codes nor is it as simple as an encyclopedia entry in plain text. It’s all about mobile and tablet friendly videos, photos, and memes simplified down to a 140-character limit (thanks Twitter). It’s quick, current, relevant information that is direct and obvious. And as far as we hate to admit it, you as well as I know all of this has to be this way because our attention spans have dwindled below that of a goldfish’s, to a mere 8 seconds! Grab your audience’s attention as quickly as you… squirrel .
Cut out the content. This one is hard for me since I can get down with a block of beefy text. But customers don’t want to read about your company history since the beginning of time. Frankly, they just want you to get to the chase. Do you have a service or product they want? Try and answer this question in as little words as possible. Cut out the fluff and unnecessary filler content. It should be optional for your customers to learn more about you. Let your customers decide if they want to click on your “About Us” page. Be concise and to the point on your home page, and maybe they will.
Add imagery. Our emotional response to vibrant graphics and engaging photos is much more instantaneous than it is to a bunch of lame words on a screen. Think about it: would you rather look at a video or power point for 5 minutes or open up a text book and read for 5 minutes to retain information? The human brain associates known words with photos, directly increasing retention. If we see a mini pig in red rain boots (yes, it's a thing), we automatically associate with that furry friend and remember to share it with our friends later. Be associative, fresh, and stimulating with your imagery. Your customers actually remember you for it. Keep these proven tips in mind no matter what stage you are in with a website update. All your fame and glory around the office will make you so glad you did. Go ahead, you website hero, you. Flex those muscles. Keep these proven tips in mind no matter what stage you are in with a website update. All your fame and glory around the office will make you so glad you did. Go ahead, you website hero, you. Flex those muscles.
If you need help with a new website for you business, contact one San Francisco's leading web design and hosting companies EnlightWorks. You can also learn more about the basics of a winning website, check out this helpful infographic.
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